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A message from our CEO

HOSPA is recognised as the UK’s leading voice within the hospitality industry in Finance and Accounting Management, Revenue & Commercial Management, Information Technology and Asset Management. For over 50 years, we have supported thousands of hospitality professionals looking to develop their careers and keep up with the latest trends and developments within the industry. As a not-for-profit organisation, we offer only the best value for money.

We have a long-standing relationship with the Institute of Hospitality, who have, for many years, offered their endorsement for our learning programmes, a testament to the high standards upon which we pride ourselves.

Industry-leading experts have helped develop our learning programmes, and we have expert tutors to support you through the courses. Our learning team stays alert to the latest industry news to remain relevant and ensure that your professional development provides you with a clear path for success. 

Jane Pendlebury, CEO, HOSPA

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